
Nuclear Reactor

March 10 Primary

Biden Speech

Electoral College

Electoral Explained





 #1 Course Guidelines and Requirements. Read, fill in your goal for the class, sign and return

Answer in Writing : Identify one social, one political, one economic problem that a Government should be responsible for managing...For each category explain why it is a Government that is best suited to manage  the problems you have chosen. No more than one paragraph for each problem.







3/24  # 2  Read Article III of the Constitution and answer the following questions. Upload your written answers in doc form for credit (5points)

1. What is the subject of Article III?
2. What body holds the judicial power of the United States?
3. What branch of government has the power to create “inferior Courts”? Why are they “inferior”?
4. Who appoints and confirms federal judges?

5. How long do federal judges hold office?
6. List five types of cases federal courts may try, according to the Constitution.
7. What is Original Jurisdiction? What is Appellate Jurisdiction? (You may have to look this one up elsewhere)
8. Over what two types of cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction?


3/26 #3 Read: Landmark Court Cases

Upload your answers in doc to Google Classroom for credit (5points)

Match the Court Case with the Issue. What was the decision that the Court eventually made? How did it change the Law and American Society?

1. Do racially segregated public schools violate the Equal Protection Clause?

2. Is certain speech, including sending antiwar pamphlets to drafted men, made in wartime and deemed in violation of the Espionage Act, protected by the First Amendment?

3. Can states pass laws that challenge the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce?

4.Who can ultimately decide what the law is?

5. Are police constitutionally required to inform people in custody of their rights to remain silent and to an attorney?

6. Can an institution of higher learning use race as a factor when making admissions decisions?

7. Does the Constitution prohibit laws that severely restrict or deny a woman's access to abortion?

8. In this pre-Civil War case, the question was whether Congress had the constitutional power to prohibit slavery in free territories. A second question was whether the Constitution gave African Americans the right to sue in federal court.

9. Can Congress establish a national bank, and if so, can a state tax this bank?

10.Does the First Amendment prohibit public school officials from barring students' from wearing black armbands to symbolize anti-war political protest?



1/30 #2  Origins of the State and Government I  

Read and Annotate: Aristotle Politics (excerpt) Please bring the reading to class as well.


1. How does Aristotle define the State?

2. According to Aristotle what is a citizen?

3. List and describe the three forms of government and their perversions.

4. What does he propose are the primary concerns/responsibilities of a government?

2/3 #3 Characteristics of Democracy and Economy The 7 Characteristics of Democracy and  Economic Systems

1. What are the Seven Characteristics of Democracy  laid out in the link above?

2. If you could only choose four to exist in Democracy...which four would they be. Briefly explain why for each one.

3. Define: Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Which of those do you believe to be most compatible for the function of  Democracy. Explain your answer.

Adam Smith

Karl Marx



Communism and Socialism

Democratic Socialism

  #4 Does Citizenship need to be redefined?  Read, Print, Answer Questions below,  Bring to Class Paradise Lost in America's Post National World


1. To whom should a Citizen give loyalty?

2. Does the concept of Citizenship  really matter?

3.What if anything do you think should replace national identity as a unifying principal for governing?

 #5 Resolution: Green New Deal

1.  Is this Resolution an appropriate  Revolution for the 21st Century?  Is it antithetical to  democratic principles?

 Read DIA pgs 53-58

1. What did the Virginia Plan propose?

2. Why did smaller States oppose the Virginia Plan? What principles  did their counter-proposal detail?

3. Explain the Connecticut Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

4. What is the difference between a Federalist and an Anti-Federalist? What did the Anti-Federalists demand be done in order to ensure their support for the new Constitution?